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A comprehensive WordPress toolkit is bundled free with the Enhance control panel and includes all the management tools your customers need to install, configure and manage WordPress sites.


Secure by design

Each site on Enhance is containerised to help protect sites hosted on your cluster from any vulnerabilities or malicious activity.

Flexible installer

Install WordPress on an existing site, a new site or configure all new sites added to have WordPress preinstalled.

Staging and cloning

Clone WordPress sites and create staging environments to test changes and updates before pushing live.

Tailor WordPress packages

Configure specific WordPress features on a per-package level to suit different customer needs.

Toolkit features

Plugin manager

Install, manage and delete plugins. Enable and disable auto-updates on a per-plugin basis.

Automatic core updates

Configure your preferred automatic update schedule for WordPress, choose from 'update to minor versions' or 'always update to the latest available version.'

User management

Add, manage and delete users within your WordPress website. Modify passwords and user roles.

Multi-installation support

Install WordPress on multiple sub-directories on a single site. Manage each installation from the same place.

Debug management

Quickly activate the WordPress debug mode with toggles to enable WP_DEBUG, WP_DEBUG_LOG and WP_DISPLAY.

Restrict access by IP

Limit access to your WordPress admin area by specifying specific allowed IP addresses.

WordPress single sign-on (SSO)

Quickly access your WordPress admin area without having to enter your username and password.

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Get started now

Install Enhance on your favourite cloud provider or on your own servers.

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