# Plugin Manager

# About

The Enhance WordPress toolkit provides a plugin manager that alllows users to install, activate/deactivate, update and delete WordPress plugins from within the Enhance control panel.

This tool can be enabled/disabled on a hosting package level.

# Install a WordPress plugin

To install a plugin on a website:

  1. Open Websites in the left sidebar
  2. Locate the website you would like to install the plugin on and click Manage
  3. When the website dashboard loads select Apps

This is the alt tag?

  1. Select Manage on the application you would like to install the plugin on

This is the alt tag?

  1. Scroll to Plugins
  2. Select Install


If you can't see the 'Install' button, check that 'Allow WordPress plugin manager' is enabled on the package

This is the alt tag?

  1. Select the plugin(s) you would like to install

This is the alt tag?

  1. To finish click Install

This is the alt tag?