# Enhance Updates

# About

We frequently release Enhance updates. Updates on the Enhance platform are not forced however, we strongly recommend that you keep your Enhance installation up to date with the latest Core and Appcd version.

You will be notified by email when a Core or Appcd update is available.


We recommend running Enhance updates off peak or at times of lower traffic to minimize disruption to customers

There are two types on updates made available on the Enhance panel:

# Core updates

A Core update is a platform wide update and includes both API and UI updates.

Once a Core update becomes available, the update needs to be manually triggered directly from within your control panel and will be applied platform wide.

A Core update will be accompanied with release notes detailing what is included in the latest update. You can find the Enhance release notes here (opens new window).

To run a Core update:

  1. Open Settings in the left side bar
  2. Click Platform
  3. Navigate to Software updates
  4. Select Update now to run the update

This will trigger the orchestration layer to update and the control panel to refresh. This will take a few seconds. In the background the orchestration layer will update the services on all of your servers. As each container restarts there will be a short amount of downtime on each services as it restarts.

Any change in disk usage will be minimal as the previous container gets deleted as part of each Enhance update.

# Appcd updates

An Appcd update includes provisioning, performance and security updates for PHP containers and website hosting.

An Appcd update can be manually triggered directly from within your control panel. An Appcd update needs to be run on every server in your Enhance cluster.

An Appcd update will be accompanied with release notes detailing what is included in the latest update. You can find the Enhance release notes here (opens new window).

To run an Appcd update:

  1. Open Servers in the left side bar
  2. Manage the server you would like to update
  3. Scroll to Roles
  4. Select the Application tab
  5. On the Appcd row click Check for updates and follow the on screen instructions
  6. Repeat the above steps on each server on your cluster running the Application role