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ModSecurity can be enabled/disabled on Apache and Nginx web servers in your Enhance cluster. Once enabled all website with their application role placed on that server can enable ModSecurity on a per domain basis.

The OWASP® ModSecurity Core Rule Set (CRS) are applied by default and custom configurations can be made on a per server basis. It is also possible to manually update the OWASP versions through the Enhance panel.

Enabling ModSecurity on a webserver

ModSecurity can only be enabled on Apache and Nginx web servers. Once enabled ModSecurity is enabled by default on all domains.

To enable ModSecurity on a web server:

  1. Open Servers in the left sidebar
  2. Select the server you would like to enable ModSecurity on (this must be Apache or Nginx)
  3. On the server management page scroll to Roles, select Application and then Settings
  4. On the application management page scroll to ModSecurity
  5. Toggle ModSecurity on

ModSecurity configuration

The ModSecurity configuration file can be configure on a per server basis. All rules will automatically be inherited by websites running on that application server.

The OWASP® ModSecurity Core Rule Set (CRS) are applied by default.

To edit the ModSecurity configuration for a server:

  1. Open Servers in the left sidebar
  2. Select the server you would like to edit ModSecurity config on (this must be Apache or Nginx)
  3. On the server management page scroll to Roles, select Application and then Settings
  4. On the application management page scroll to ModSecurity
  5. Click Edit configuration
  6. Make your changes and click save

You can add custom rules, override existing rules and disable the OWASP rule set in this config file. If you would like to include another file, place it into /etc/modsecurity.d and reference it in the main config.

Enabling/disabling ModSecurity on a per domain basis

To disable/enable ModSecurity on a per website basis you must first enable ModSecurity on the server where the website’s application role is placed.

To disable/enable ModSecurity on a per domain basis:

  1. Open Websites in the left sidebar
  2. Select the website you would like to ebable ModSecurity on
  3. On the website dashboard select Security
  4. Scroll to ModSecurity
  5. Toggle ModSecurity off/on