# Database Role Settings

The Database role automatically inherits the global Service settings. my.cnf settings can be overridden on a per server basis.

To configure global Database settings

  1. Open Settings in the left sidebar
  2. Select Service settings in the menu
  3. Navigate to the my.cnf section.

# my.cnf

Settings for my.cnf should be managed through your Enhance control panel.

You should not attempt to manually edit my.cnf on a server as these changes will be overridden.

Before applying any settings, Enhance will check that the mysql server accepts the settings without generating an error. Settings which can be applied at runtime will be applied immediately, others might require a MySQL restart.

To override my.cnf settings on a per server basis:

  • Open Servers in the left side bar
  • Select *Manage on the server
  • Navigate to the Database Role you’d like to configure custom settings for
  • Click Settings

Common Settings to change here might include:

  • sql_mode
  • key_buffer_size
  • sort_buffer_size
  • innodb_buffer_pool_size
  • max_allowed_packet

This is not an exhaustive list and you should research and test any changes prior to making them in a production environment.

Any inherited global settings will be tagged 'Default'. Any custom or edited default settings will not be tagged.